I'm Meredith, your resident numbers nerd.

It all started with a passion to help you keep MORE of your money.

To be honest, friend - it's time for you to step out of the assistant's role and into the CEO role.

I help service bassed, passion filled business owners who want to confidently learn how to master their money to make better business decisions, to scale without going into debt, and to stop stresing tax time (all while moving pass living from sale-to-sale).

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I wasn’t always excited about numbers. To be honest, I have a Dad who is also an accountant, and if you would have told me back in college that I would choose to move home and join the family business… I would have laughed in your face! That was never my plan.  

But… after college I held a few different jobs, but somehow always found myself as the office manager handling payroll and bookkeeping.  Then after moving to a new city, I landed a job with a small planning firm.

I really enjoyed strategizing with someone to create a retirement plan so they could retire in comfort and without fear. But I wasn’t too crazy about some of their practices.

I really enjoyed what I was doing, but not so much how they were asking me to do it. So, my investigative skills kicked in and I started learning more. That’s when I realized - my Dad was on to something. He did exactly what I loved doing - helping business owners and families build profitable businesses that allowed the owners financial freedom.

I came home from the office one day, annoyed that I had to do one more meaningless task for my boss and asked my husband if we could move.  I’m not going to lie - he was shocked! It wasn’t an easy conversation at all, I was asking him to leave the big city he grew up in for my small town.  

He saw the opportunity and he couldn’t deny my passion.  So he agreed. Within the next few weeks, we packed up and moved to start our new lives together.  

I joined my Dad at his tax and accounting firm and jumped head first.  Even decided to go back to college to earn my accounting degree on top of my Bachelors degree and my Master in Business Administration.

Every single day I help business owners better understand their financials so they can take back control inside their business.  I do the boring work of coding transactions, reconciling bank accounts, and preparing financial reports so they can have more time to focus on their zone of genius. Then meet with my clients to tell them what all those numbers mean for their business.

And yet, I wanted more.  I wanted to help the newcomer, the side hustler, the nap time worker.  So I launched Bookkeeping By Meredith. A place where service based biz owners could better understand their money without all the frustrations and headaches of learning on their own.

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